How to use this PDS section: Each time a participant reports having a medical visit of any type, staff must document the visit in this section of PDS.

Why this information is important: Supporting access to health care resources, promoting consistent preventative health care, and encouraging healthy habits are an essential part of HFM service delivery.

HFM policies related to this PDS section: Health Care Access Policy

Step-by-Step Instructions

Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

1. On the participant profile page, click the Medical Visit tab at the top of the screen.

Alternatively, see the Creating a Home Visit Record section of the PDS manual for instructions on navigating to the Medical Visit page using the Jump To feature in the home visit record.

Picture 1

2.  Click Create New Medical Visit.

Picture 24

3. Enter information about the medical visit in the “General Information” section.

3.1 * Date of Medical Visit: Enter the date the participant's medical visit occurred. Only medical visits that have happened should be documented in PDS. The date of medical visit must be equal to or before the date of data entry.

Picture 25

3.2. * Type of Visit: Select the type of medical visit from the dropdown menu. Two medical visits cannot be entered for the same day unless they have different visit types.

3.3 * Nature of ER Illness (required if ER Illness is selected as Type of Medical Visit):


Picture 27

3.4. Visit Details: Enter additional information you have about the medical visit, including the reason for the medical visit. For example, “Participant wasn't feeling baby move as often, scheduled appointment with the doctor.”

Picture 28

4. Save: Select the to save the information.

5. Cancel: Select to return to the Medical Visit page.

Picture 29

6. Ready for Supervisor Review: Check “Record is ready for Supervisor Review?” box when the Medical Visit record is ready for review.

Picture 30

7. Supervisor Review Information: If a supervisor makes comments on the record, comments will appear in the “Supervisor Review Information” section.

Picture 35



Creating a Participant Medical Visit (Sept 2019)

©2019 MA Children's Trust