How to use this PDS page: You can reset your password directly from the PDS log in page. You do not need to contact PDS support to complete this action.
Step-by-step instructions
1. You can reset your password at any time from the PDS log-in page. Click Reset Password.
2. You must reset your password if you unsuccessfully enter your password more than 3 times.
3. You will see a message that an email has been sent to the email address listed in PDS for instructions. To ensure you receive this email, always ensure your email is up to date in your PDS profile.
4. Check your Inbox for the email sent to you by CTF_ITHelpdesk and click the link provided in the email.
4.1 The password reset link is active for 20 minutes. If you click it after it has expired, you will receive the below error message and you will need to click on the Reset password link again in order to receive the new active link (See step 1).
5. After clicking the link, a PDS page where you can enter a new password will display.
Passwords must meet the following requirements:
5.1 You will receive an error message if you enter a new password that does not meet the requirements.
6. Click Submit after entering your new password.
7. You will receive confirmation that your password was successfully updated. Click Continue.
7.1 After clicking Continue, the PDS log in screen will display where you can log in to the system with your new password.
8. You will receive another email confirming the date and time your password has been changed.
Guide to Self Service Reset Password (Sept 2019)
©2019 MA Children's Trust